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Reader Feedback

Have Your Say

It is important to us to design this grief support resource not only for but with members of the perinatal loss community we serve.


If you are a parent and would like to give insight into how your family used "The House in Ollie's Tummy" to discuss your loss with your living child(ren), please fill out our feedback form below!


If you are a teacher, librarian or mental health professional and want to let us know how you use "The House in Ollie's Tummy" in your work with bereaved children and their families, we'd love to hear from you!


We will collect responses for 6 months following the publication of our book. Every response will help us improve on subsequent editions of the book and make it a better resource for families affected by perinatal bereavement.

Women Holding Hands
Women Holding Hands
What type(s) of loss have you experiened?
How old were your chil(ren) at the time of your loss?
What did you like most about the book?
How useful did you find reading "The House in Ollie's Tummy" with your child(ren)?
The book most helped my child (select all that apply)":
The book most helped me (select all that apply)":
Did you do any of the activities suggested in the yellow bubbles throughout the book or in the resource section?
How useful did you find the suggested grief activities?
Do you feel that on the whole, your child(ren) benefitted from reading "The House in Ollie's Tummy"?

Thank you for your input!

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